So, you’ve written a book. Woohoo! 🙌
Ready to start counting the royalties?
It probably won’t take you long, you might not even need your toes.
Once upon a time, authors could just write and let publishers do the heavy lifting. Those days are long gone.
If you don’t want your book, your baby, lost in the Amazon jungle (the website, not the rainforest) you need to take action to get it seen, read, and referred. It’s not just about missed sales; it’s about your message getting lost, people not getting the transformation you promised, and the waste of your investment in writing and publishing.
You might be thinking, “Yeah but, I’ve tweeted, blogged, and TikToked about my book!” Cool, but here’s the pain the bum: it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing the right things right.
There are at least 1,763 things you could do to market your book.
Some of them will work.
Do those.

I’m running a free session and you’re invited to discuss this very problem with me!
I am giving my best stuff away in these free sessions so that you can write a book that people read, and get it working for your business!
Ciao for now,
PS: I might have a free gift for you – come along and find out! Here is the link to join: