This is a mild interruption to your festive jollilities*!


Had enough of people inviting you to their membership? Heard too much about masterminds and clubs? Tired of buying courses and then not finishing them?

Well, this is different – we don’t just talk about stuff we make things.

We turn your thoughts into things… You might be thinking, ‘how?’ Well first off we have a bit of a think about mindset…(no more consuming Die Hard trilogies!)

Then together we make things.

Everyone who joins the Better Than Great Club learns how to make assets from their clever thoughts. Each quarter we make a new asset together.

Here are a couple of photos of books made from the wonderful, smart people in the last cohort (we were working on Minimum Valuable Asset Books – write and publish your own valuable, short book).

Here’s what one of our gang, Rintu Basu, had to say:

I’ve known Debs for a long time. I followed her when email marketing was in its infancy. As a result, I grew a substantial, highly responsive list in almost no time at all. Along with Joe Gregory, they published my book: The Persuasion Skills Black Book. I followed their marketing advice. As a result, the book was an Amazon bestseller for over ten years. It is currently being updated, revamped and added to for a third edition.

I recently had the opportunity to join Debs’ Better Than Great Club. Typically, I jumped at the chance. If you consider just how much Debs has already done to establish my career, it only makes sense to take every opportunity to work with her again. I am busy after a break of almost six years reestablishing my career, relaunching my online course and establishing my presence in my market again. In the three months so far that I have worked with Debs in the Better Than Great Club, I’ve written a downloadable PDF course, and I have completed two video courses ready to upload onto a course platform, and I am working on the third edition of the Persuasion Skills Black Book ready to launch in January.

If you want to get your business streamlined and working efficiently. If you want to put systems in place so you have assets that you can use in multiple different ways. And you want to dramatically make those changes as fast as possible. Then Debs is the person to be involved with. And as an added bonus, you get great, resourceful peers, like me, that you can tap for help, resources and motivation as well.

If you want to make a big difference next year, then now is the time to start.
Join Deb’s Better Than Great Club.

OK, back to your boozing, board games, and snuggly PJs.

Ciao for now, see you on the other side.

  • Jollilities is a made up word, sorry, not sorry!

PS: Seriously, if you want to get those smart thoughts out of your head and turned into valuable things that will grow your business, increase your credibility and make you look really cool (can’t guarantee that part, sorry!) join us at: The Better Than Great Club

PPS: Honestly, I didn’t write that review myself, but I will do everything in my power to help you get the same results Rintu got.


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