Creating content from our ideas – our thought leadership – can seem like a big job. And that’s why we put it off. It’s got to be right, brilliant, beautiful, perfect… before we’ll publish. Right?

That’s what I thought too. Then I realised I’d been overthinking it, complexifying it up! The content we create needs to be valuable, to the reader and to you – you will both gain. It needs to be the smallest, minimum, useful explanation of the idea. It needs to be an asset – something you’ll be proud of and won’t need to update every 5 minutes.

So, make it easy on yourself. Have a simple repeatable system. Know who does what and when (you’re not still trying to do it all yourself are you?) Outsource the bits you’re not great at.
Focus on the expression of an idea that adds value to your client.Turn your content into an asset, not a ‘to do’ list liability.

Scott Adams (funny guy, author, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big)

Goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous pre-success failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out. Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do.”

I have a seven step recipe (or system) for content creation so you can succeed every time you follow the system. It’s based on making more output than input so you reach your outcome.

Input < Output ⇒ Outcome

Which means you need to know your outcome for the content before you begin.

You can download a handy cheatsheet of my seven step recipe for content creation, or read more on The Asset Path website.


content creation

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